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Kaiping Peng

Dean of the School of Social Sciences of Tsinghua University and Chair of the Department of Psychology 

Professor Kaiping Peng is currently the dean of the school of social sciences, chair of the psychology department at Tsinghua University. He was a tenured faculty member at the Department of Psychology of the University of California at Berkeley before returning to China in 2009. He received his Ph.D. in Social Psychology from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor in 1997.


Before coming to the US in 1989, he had been a faculty member at the Psychology Department of Peking University of China for five years. He had been the head of the social/personality psychology area in Berkeley, member of the American Psychological Association Leadership Council, executive committee of the Institute of East-Asian Studies, steering committee for the Diversity Research at UC Berkeley, the co-president of the Fifth International Conference of Chinese Psychologists Worldwide, the founding President of Chinese Positive Psychology Association and the board member of the International Positive Psychology Association, and numerous other national and international professional academic services.


Since 2008, he has been the founding chair of the Psychology Department of Tsinghua University, also directs the Happiness Technology Lab and the Tsinghua  Berkeley Center for Psychological Studies. He has published eight books and more than 300 articles and essays on cultural and social psychology, as well as methodological issues of psychology. According to many surveys, he had been the world most cited social psychologist at the associate professor level until 2007, and one of the most cited Chinese psychologists in the world. His new book on positive psychology has been on the top ten best seller list on Amazon China.


>Presentation Topic: Positive Online Education: What can technology do for positive education?

Online education is becoming more and more important nowadays. However, students’ learning motivation and effectiveness in online education are questionable compared to traditional classroom education. In this talk, we examine real examples of MOOCs, APPs, and online learning platforms in China to discuss how positive psychology can be used to combine with new internet technology to boost students’ learning motivation and effectiveness, by increasing their PERMA (Positive emotion, Engagement, Relationship, Meaning, Accomplishment) in online learning. Future challenges in positive online education are also discussed.       

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