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Visible Wellbeing E-Resources

Professor Lea Waters, PhD, a leading expert in the field of Positive Education, has put together three sets of free e-wellbeing resources in this time of heightened anxiety and remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. These include:

For students:

An e-booklet of 12 e-wellbeing activities to run in virtual classrooms based upon Lea’s published, evidence-based, SEARCH framework for positive education. The remote activities delivered online by teachers are designed to bolster students’:

  • Strengths

  • Emotional Management

  • Attention and Awareness

  • Relationships

  • Coping

  • Habits and Goals

For families:

Family handout with 20+ activities that parents can run at home with their kids based upon the SEARCH framework.

For everyone:

A series of videos developed by Lea in partnership with the Guardian Newspaper on how to navigate Coronavirus with positivity. Topics include:

  • Savouring.

  • Gratitude.

  • Mindfulness.

  • Kindness.

  • Cabin Fever.

Lea also offers a full Visible Wellbeing e-program, which she is offering to IPEN members at a 20% discount with the code IPEN2020.


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